AEA Resources: Articles, Links, and Tools From An Event Apart San Diego 2015

An in-progress compendium of links, resources, and information from the speakers at An Event Apart San Diego.


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Speaker Links and Resources

Tim Brown


@nicewebtype Typekit: Source Sans Typekit: Adelle Marcin Wichary: Death to Typewriters


Dan Mall on performance budgets “Performance is the new validation.” — Jeremy Keith @ 33:36 Nathan Ford: Adventures in Dynamic Subsetting Font Family Reunion compatibility tables Typekit blog: Custom language subsetting options 8 Faces issue #8 Bram Stein on font loading at Webfontday @ 9:29 Spritz reading Luke Wroblewski: Switch between reading and listening Walter Ong: Orality and Literacy


Method of Action: Kerntype, by Mark MacKay John Downer's Proportions and Hierarchies workshop Tobias Frere-Jones Typekit Practice: Selecting typefaces for body text, by Tim Brown Typekit Practice: Getting the most out of type specimens, by Aura Seltzer A Book Apart: On Web Typography, by Jason Santa Maria Typographica: Type Reviews Klim Type Foundry: Design Information The State of Web Type, by Bram Stein The Shape of Design, by Frank Chimero Flippant, by Nathan Ford Clay in a Potter's Hand, an essay by Jan Tschichold


Five Simple Steps: A Pocket Guide to Combining Typefaces, by Tim Brown Fonts In Use Ethan Marcotte: Sizing the legible letter Chris Coyier: Font size idea Modular Scale calculator, by Scott Kellum and Tim Brown Molten Leading Inside Paragraphs, by Cyrus Highsmith Single-direction margin declarations, by Harry Roberts Deriving layout from your typeface, by Nathan Ford


Setting type with Sass maps, by Robin Rendle Susan Robertson: Creating a type style guide Typecast Progressive enhancement matrix Font events at Typekit Type rendering mix


Bret Victor, Inventing on Principle Universal Typography demo, by Tim Brown

Brad Frost

Atomic Design: The Book

Jason Grigsby

Responsive Images 101


Img Required
Srcset Display Density
Srcset Width Descriptors
Picture Element
CSS Images

Additional explanations and background

Responsive Images in Practice

Built-in Browser Support for Responsive Images
Native Responsive Images
Don't use <picture> (most of the time)
When to use <picture> for resolution switching
How the Browser Pre-loader Makes Pages Load Faster
Who initiates image downloads?
Can I Use: Picture
Using WEBP/JPEG 2000/JPEG-XR/APNG Now With Picturefill and Modernizr
Can I Use: image-set
Sensible jumps in responsive image file sizes

Tools and resources


Drupal 8 Picture Module
WordPress RICG Responsive Images Plugin
Spreadsheet of image resizing services

Josh Clark

Magic and Technology

Hazards of Prophecy from Profiles of the Future by Arthur C. Clarke Alan Kay’s 1982 seminar at Creative Think Enchanted Objects by David Rose Deeper insights into the 7th mass media channel (mobile) by Tomi Ahonen In Search of Objects by Benedict Evans The Muse of the Future Is Here by Robinson Meyer

Mobile and Sensor-Driven UI

Mobile First by Ben Thompson Word Lens and Google Translate Nappy Notifier by Huggies

Too Many Screens

Study: average daily smartphone use is over 3 hours Study: attention drops if smartphone simply visible nearby Way Out animated film Understanding Apple Watch with Jen Simmons and Josh Clark

Magical interaction products/projects

Grab Magic Happy Together Neiman Marcus “Memory Mirror”; related CBS news story Rebecca Minkoff interactive mirror Dorothy Project and flic magic buttons Snapshot by Progressive Insurance Automatic Propeller Health (formerly Asthmapolis) ARES military sand table “Smart Dumb Things” by Argo Design Room/E by Frog Design THAW by MIT’s Tangible Media Lab ColorUp lamp FotoSwipe Vessyl and Colbert Report Baidu’s smart chopsticks pplkpr Withings Activité Mailchimp’s Six Monkeys project SyFy Sync’s Sharknado experience and the similar Netflix Hue hack Mega Stomp Battle Amazon Dash Button

Designing for Pre-Attention

Wikipedia: pre-attentive processing Smart Watches, Wearables, and That Nasty Data Rash by Josh Clark

The Human Element

How smart does your bed have to be, before you are afraid to go to sleep at night? by Rich Gold Wikipedia: Mechanical Turk automaton chess player #IoTH: The Internet of Things and Humans by Tim O'Reilly Of Nerve and Imagination by Josh Clark

Services and resources

The challenge for web designers in 2015 (or how to cheat at the future) by Richard Pope. A great collection of emerging browser APIs. IFTTT Zapier

Also, you can totally get your very own magic-wand remote at The Wand Company.

IBM After Dark

People First

Dan Mall

OmmWriter nvALT The Magical, Short-Form Creative Brief, by Jared Spool Interface Inventory, by Brad Frost Radio Free Europe: An open redesign, by Dan Mall WebPagetest Fast Enough, by Tim Kadlec HTTP Archive Visual Inventory, by Dan Mall Reading Is Fundamental open redesign Visual Design Explorations, by Paul Lloyd Inventing on Principle, by Bret Victor Creative Cloud Libraries, by Dan Mall Pattern Lab Michael Jackson's Beat It a capella

Jen Simmons

The Web Ahead Demo for this talk Code for this talk The Original Space Jam Microsoft's 1994 homepage BBC News Politics 97 The September Issue Can I Use Adobe's CSS Shapes Gallery at CodePen CSS Shapes Extension for Chrome Tutorial on how to use the CSS Shapes Extension by Razvan Caliman (who created it) The Web Ahead 81: Changing the Shapes with Sara Soueidan Vote for Shapes - Microsoft Vote for Shapes - Mozilla Opera Mini Multicolumn layout in the wild: Tim Berner's Lee article "Judy Blume Knows All Your Secrets," NYTimes Magazine Cover Sheet example Jen's Experiment with Viewport Units CSS Trick's Complete Guide to Flexbox Flexbox running on Chrome Dev Site Rachael Andrew on CSS Grid Mark Boulton on The Web Ahead Nathan Ford's article on layout Gridset Karen McGrane's Adapting Ourselves to Adaptive Content Bill Cunningham New York

Kevin M. Hoffman

Play Nintendo
Understanding Context by Andrew Hinton
Accelerate! by John Kotter
Livia Labate on the Marriott Responsive Redesign, Responsive Design Podcast
Ryan Shafer on the MTV Responsive Redesign, Responsive Design Podcast (launches on April 6, 2015)
The Future is Podular by Dave Gray

Humble Inquiry by Edgar Schien
Meetings: The Canary in the Culture Coal Mine by Kevin M. Hoffman
The Value Proposition Design Canvases and Companion
New DOT Rules Make Flying Easier for Passengers with Disabilities

Chris Coyier

A Compendium of SVG Information