AEA Resources: Hot Links From An Event Apart Seattle

As An Event Apart Seattle closes, and we prepare for a sold-out Boston show, we want to share some of the helpful reviews, summaries, notes, and web links that An Event Apart Seattle inspired. Feel free to share these resources with colleagues and friends.

As An Event Apart Seattle closes, and we prepare for a sold-out Boston show, we want to share some of the helpful reviews, summaries, notes, and web links that An Event Apart Seattle inspired. Feel free to share these resources with colleagues and friends. And keep watching for our new Resources section, coming very soon!

P.S., if you're attending An Event Apart Boston this month, and you take notes on what you learn, please share them with us and we'll make sure to post them to the Boston resource list after the event!

Summaries and Reviews

Here is what people who attended An Event Apart Seattle had to say about the sessions they saw:

VKean (all sessions)

All 12 An Event Apart sessions (Evernote write-up)

Notes by Luke Wroblewski

Jeffrey Zeldman: Understanding Web Design Nick Sherman: The Future of Responsive Typography Jeremy Keith: The Long Web Val Head: Putting Your UI in Motion With CSS Chris Coyier: SVG is for Everybody Josh Clark: Designing in the Space Between Devices Mike Monteiro: How Designers Destroyed the World

Brian Thurston

Posts About An Event Apart (covers most AEA Seattle sessions)

Nick Sherman: The Future of Web Typography

Perpendicular Angel Design

UX Strategy Means Business

Joe at Visual Yeti

Notes on Day 1 Notes on Day 2 Notes on Day 3

Ginger Ngo

Jeffrey Zeldman: Understanding Web Design

Jordan Wayne Lee

Scott Berkun: How to Champion Ideas Back at Work Jeremy Keith: The Long Web Jared M. Spool: UX Strategy Means Business Josh Clark: Mind the Gap Mike Monteiro: How Designers Destroyed the World Kristina Halvorson: Content/Communication Luke Wroblewski: Screen Time Nick Sherman: The Future of Responsive Typography Samantha Warren: Faster Decisions With Style Tiles Jeffrey Zeldman: Understanding Web Design

Additional Links & Helpers

Some of the helpful web tools, essays, articles, and websites that were mentioned during the show include...

Scott Berkun: How to Pitch an Idea Scott Berkun: How to Convince Your Boss to Try New Things Mo' Pixels, Mo' Problems – Dave Rupert in A List Apart Using SVG – Chris Coyier in CSS-Tricks Icon System with SVG Sprites – Chris Coyier in CSS-Tricks Device Sends Message to Swiss Farmer When Cow is in Heat Snap SVG Library All The Right Moves: CSS Animation Events Explained – Val Head (video)

Keep Learning, Keep Dreaming

Want to get the information right from the source? Sign up for An Event Apart in 2014; we still have six more shows this year. Register today!