What Clients Don't Know (and Why It's Your Fault) by Mike Monteiro – An Event Apart Austin

Video URL: http://vimeo.com/88764543

When in-house or external clients go out in search of design they often have no idea how to describe what they need, measure what they're looking for, or evaluate who they might work for and subsequently, the work that's produced. As designers it's our job to help site owners and stakeholders figure these things out and to give them the tools and knowledge they need to evaluate whether what we do is what they need. Without that insight clients have nothing to go on but gut instinct and subjectivity.

In this 60-minute video captured live at An Event Apart Austin 2013, Mike Monteiro (author, Design Is A Job) shows how to give your clients and stakeholders the mental tools and vocabulary they need to help you create more successful sites.

Mike is one of twelve outstanding speakers appearing this month at An Event Apart Seattle—an intensely educational two-day learning session for passionate practitioners of standards-based web design, followed by an optional day-long workshop on Designing for Touch led by Josh Clark. Tickets for Seattle and AEA events in eight other great cities are now available for your pleasure.

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