The Web At 25

It was 25 years ago, in March of 1989, that Tim Berners-Lee first circulated “Information Management: A Proposal.” From that modest seed grew the World Wide Web.

Built on the bedrock principles of ubiquity, accessibility, decentralization, collaboration, and openness, the web has transformed our lives and our world. It is no exaggeration to say that the web is the simplest possible system for doing everything it set out to do. That is, as it has always been, a feature and not a bug.

If you'd like to learn more about the history of the web, please visit The Web At 25, a special site dedicated to today's celebrations and designed by our good friends Mike Pick and Tim Murtaugh of Monkey Do. Share your thoughts and good wishes for the web via any social networking platform using the hashtag #webat25.

The entire team here at An Event Apart salutes Sir Tim for his invention, and CERN for placing the technology into the public domain. Without those twin visionary acts, the world and our lives would be far different today. Thank you for everything you've made possible.